Upgrading to OppiaMobile Server v0.11.0

In OppiaMobile Server v0.11.0, the project has been restructured, and there is a simplified installation process.

To upgrade to this version, you should first:

  • Install the new dependencies, run pip install -r django-oppia/requirements.txt

  • Migrate the database, run python manage.py migrate

  • Cache the static files, run python manage.py collectstatic

Then review the Server - Manual Installation and make any necessary updates to your configuration, especially checking:

  • creating a settings_secret.py file (see item 2 in the install docs), and transferring over any settings you may have had in local_settings.py to this file.

  • running the tests and that the server runs locally (items 6 and 7 in the install docs)

  • updating Apache webserver configuration file (item 8 in the install docs)

  • updating how the cron commands are run (item 9 in the install docs)

Update Summaries

As media views were not being calculated correctly (see #579), after upgrading, remember to update summaries from the beginning, with:

``manage.py update_summaries --fromstart``

(Optional) Activity Map Visualisation

If you are using the activity map visualisation, the OPPIA_HOSTNAME, OPPIA_CARBODB_ACCOUNT and OPPIA_CARBODB_KEY, are now stored in the Admin settings table, so you no longer need to specify these in the cron command file which updates the activity map on CartoDB.