Data Collected and Usage

What data is collected?

When you use the Oppia app the following data is collected:

  • your registration information (for example email address, phone number) - the exact information will depend on the implementation

  • which courses you have downloaded, when you access any course activity, how long you spend in each activity, including your quiz scores, feedback responses, and media watched

  • your IP address is associated with each activity you take in the courses

  • your network connectivity status

Additionally, if there is a problem with the Oppia app, we use an automated bug reporting system, this will provide us with additional information:

  • your network provider

  • the version of Android you are using and the make/model of your device

  • system memory capacity and usage

  • debug output of the error

How is your data used?

The data above is collected to:

  • Provide a personalised experience in the app, monitor what percentage of course activities you have completed and passed; in order to award points and badges

  • Determine the countries users are accesing from (using the IP address)

  • Implementing organisations will often use anonymised or summary data to help analyse, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the training courses provided. In this instance exactly how your data is used will depend on the implementing organisation.

  • Bug reporting data is used to help fix technical issues and bugs in the Oppia app.

How can you download your data?

You can download all your data from the Oppia server, you can log into the server with the same username and password that you used to register in the app, then:

  • Go to ‘Profile’ > ‘Edit Profile’

  • Click on ‘Export’ button

  • Then select the data you would like to download

How can you remove all your data?

You can delete all the records and information that Oppia stores about you by going to the Oppia server, you can log into the server with the same username and password that you used to register in the app, then:

  • Go to ‘Profile’ > ‘Edit Profile’

  • Click on ‘Delete Account’ button

  • Then follow the instructions

Note that if you delete your account, to use the app again you will need to create a new account.