Creating your course in Moodle

If we have set up a course area for you on our Moodle server, then here are some basic instructions to help get you started. If you would like to request us to set up an area in Moodle for you to test out your course in OppiaMobile please contact us.

You should have received by email your username, password and link to your course area.

If you’re creating a course on your own Moodle server, it is likely best to use the “Topics” format for your course.

When you’re on the course homepage press the ‘turn editing on’ button in the top right then you get the options to add/edit activities/resources etc - for media essentially you’ll need to just to create “page resources”.

For information about specific aspects of course creation for OppiaMobile, see:

Once you have some content etc that you’d like to test on your phone, press the ‘Export to Oppia Package’ button in the right hand column. At the end of the export output page, if it’s all exported successfully, there will be a link to download the course .zip package. So you can download this and copy it to the /<storage_setting>/Android/data/ directory. The storage_setting path will depend on where you have the app storage location set to.

Then when you start up the OppiaMobile app on your phone it will automatically install the course and you can see how it all looks on your phone/tablet.

Once you’re happy with how it all looks on your phone, you can upload the course to our server ( - same username/password that you use for the OppiaMobile client app) and it’ll be available for anyone to download.


Information on how to include stylesheets and javascript in your course

If you have any queries, comments or suggestions on how to improve these instructions, the course authoring process or any other aspect of OppiaMobile, please post them in the OppiaMobile Community site