Using images in your course

Adding course icon/image

Go to your course settings page in Moodle and upload an image into the course summary field – this image will then be used as your OppiaMobile module image/icon. If you upload more than one image into this field, then the first one will be used.

Embedded images

Any images you embed into Moodle page resources will also be exported. To ensure they will display well on the mobile device without horizontal scrolling, it is best to keep the maximum width of any uploaded images to be around 400px. This also assists in keeping the course module filesize down and makes it easier for users to download your course.

Adding activity icons/images

You can add a custom image/icon for each activity. For page resources go to edit your page and upload your image/icon in the description field. For quiz activities, go to edit your quiz settings and upload you image/icon into the introduction field.

On export you can specify the size and dimensions of these images for how they will appear in the app. The default is 135px wide x 90px height, but of course you can change to match the dimensions of your image (eg if you want to use square icons)

If you don’t specify a custom icon/image for your activity, but your activity includes an embedded image in the content, then this embedded image will be used as the icon. If there are no embedded images and no custom icon, then a generic icon will appear for your activity.

Adding topic icons/images

You can add a custom image/icon for each topic. To add a topic icon, edit the topic and upload the icon into the Summary field.

On export you can specify the size and dimensions of these images for how they will appear in the app. The default is 256px wide x 256px height, but of course you can change to match the dimensions of your image (eg if you want to use square icons)