Upgrading to OppiaMobile Server v0.14.0

All commands to be run when the Python virtual environment is active. If you are skipping a release when upgrading (eg jumping from 0.12.0 to 0.14.0), check there are no additional upgrade steps needed in the releases you are skipping.

Update packages

  1. Run: (env)$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Update database

  1. Run: (env)$ python manage.py migrate

Update static files

  1. Run: (env)$ python manage.py compilescss - don’t worry about the unclosed files warning messages

  2. Run: (env)$ python manage.py collectstatic

Check backup user permissions

If you are using a specific MySQL user for regular database backups, you will need to ensure this backup user has the SHOW VIEW permission, otherwise the backup could fail.

To add the permissions, log into the MySQL command line as root user and run the following (adjusting database and user name as appropriate):

grant SHOW VIEW on *.oppia to 'backup'@'localhost';