Upgrading to OppiaMobile Server v0.14.1

All commands to be run when the Python virtual environment is active. If you are skipping a release when upgrading (eg jumping from 0.12.0 to 0.14.0), check there are no additional upgrade steps needed in the releases you are skipping.

Update packages

  1. Run: (env)$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Update database

  1. Run: (env)$ python manage.py migrate

Update static files

  1. Run: (env)$ python manage.py compilescss - don’t worry about the unclosed files warning messages

  2. Run: (env)$ python manage.py collectstatic

Run update_summaries –fromstart

This isn’t strictly necessary for this release, but since a couple of the summary tables have been removed, it’s likely to be useful to run this anyway. Running this is now much faster than in previous releases

  1. Run the update summaries command from start: (env)$ python manage.py update_summaries --fromstart

  2. This might take a long time (hours) for large implementations, see Running Update Summaries in background