Session 9: How to install and use the courses in OppiaMobile

Time: 2 hours


  • To check that all participants have the relevant courses and video/media content installed

  • To be able to install new courses

  • To be able to navigate courses in OppiaMobile

  • To be able to complete quizzes in OppiaMobile

  • To understand how to use the additional content during their upgrade training course and afterwards


  • Facilitators to verify that all participants have all 21 courses installed and all necessary media/videos

  • Demonstrate how to install a new course

  • Group activity (4-5 people in each group). 15 minutes. Discuss and write down what/ how could be the most useful way of using the additional content during their training and afterwards.

  • At the end of the previous activity, ask each group to share back to the whole group. Facilitators to identify common themes and ask questions


  • Complete attendance sheet (if being run on different day to the other sessions)

  • Facilitators to verify that all the HEAT courses are installed

  • Facilitators to check that all participants have installed another course