Session 3: PNC & ANC challenges and barriers

Time: 1 hour


  • To get to know the current postnatal (PNC) and antenatal (ANC) coverage, challenges and barriers in Tigray and Ethiopia

  • To understand how HEWs can effectively contribute to improve PNC & ANC.

  • To understand how MHealth can help improving maternal and child health


  • Participants will fill-out a survey on their PNC & ANC skills and attitudes

  • The facilitator will introduce the latest research and data on PNC & ANC in Ethiopia

  • Group activity (3-4 people in each group). 15 minutes. Write down what are the main PNC challenges and barriers in their districts and give ideas how they could improve it.

  • At the end of the previous activity, ask each group to share back to the whole group. Facilitators to identify common themes and ask questions


  • Complete attendance sheet (if being run on different day to the other sessions)

  • Analyse participants survey responses.

  • Complete a summary of the session discussions