Preloading Courses and Media


Having courses and media preloaded into your app distribution could significantly increase the size of your app (especially in the case of preloaded media files). Also it means that any updates in the courses or media would then require a new app build. Our advice is not to preload courses or media unless strictly necessary, instead look at sideloading courses and media.


If you would like to distribute your app with some courses preinstalled, for example if you have a lot of phones you would like set up with the same set of courses, then follow these steps:

  • Download the course form the Oppia server dashboard (from the specific Oppia server the app will be connecting to)

  • Place the course zip file(s) in the assets/www/preload/courses/ directory (just the unextracted zip file)

  • When the app is first installed and run, the courses will be automatically installed.

  • If you subsequently update the pre-installed course (or add new courses to pre-install), then you will need to trigger the app UpdateManager (see below)


If you would like to distribute your app with some media preinstalled, then follow these steps:

  • Place the media file(s) in the assets/www/preload/media/ directory

  • When the app is first installed and run, the media will be automatically moved to the correct directory.

  • If you subsequently update the pre-installed media (or add new media to pre-install), then you will need to trigger the app UpdateManager (see below)

From the Oppia server dashboard, you can download a zip file of all the media needed for a specific course, this ensures you have all the media for the course, with the correct file names and correct version of the media.

Updating pre-installed courses/media on existing app installations

Using the above process, course and media will automatically be pre-installed on new installations of the app. However if the pre-installed courses/media change and need to be applied in existing app installations that are updated. You will need to update the UpgradeManagerTask as follows.

Add the following lines to the doInBackground method of the org.digitalcampus.oppia.task.UpgradeManagerTask:

        Editor editor = prefs.edit();
        editor.putBoolean("upgradeVXXX", true);
        publishProgress("Upgraded to vXXX");

where XXX is the new app version number.