Course Management

Add a new course


Usually courses would be added directly from Moodle during the export process

  1. From the menu bar, select ‘Upload’

  2. Select the course zip file that you exported from Moodle

  3. Click on upload

  4. Add or update the course tags and other information

  5. Click save

View all courses

  1. From the menu bar, select ‘Courses’

View courses for specific tag

  1. From the menu bar, select ‘Courses’

  2. From the drop down list of tags at the top of the page, select the relevant tag

  3. The page will refresh and show just the courses for the selected tag

Update course information (tags etc)

Currently this should be done during the course export process in Moodle.

Change the ownership of a course


This is deprecated (as of server version 0.12.11) and should no longer be necessary to use this process. You can now assign multiple managers to courses (see: Add permission to republish a course)

When a course is first published, the user publishing the course is the owner of this course, and only they can re-publish the course. If a different user needs to publish the course, then the course ownership will need to be changed.

  1. From the menu bar, select ‘Admin’ > ‘Django Admin’

  2. Select ‘Courses’ under the ‘Oppia’ section

  3. Browse or search for the course and select it

  4. Change the user to the new owner

  5. Click save

Publish a draft course

To publish a course that’s currently ‘draft’, republish the course from Moodle, selecting the “Live” option on export.

Alternatively (though deprecated):

  1. From the menu bar, select ‘Admin’ > ‘Django Admin’

  2. Select ‘Courses’ under the ‘Oppia’ section

  3. Browse or search for the course and select it

  4. Untick the ‘is draft’ checkbox

  5. Click save

Download course package

  1. From the menu bar, select ‘Courses’

  2. Browse to the relevant course row

  3. On the right hand side of the row, click ‘download course’

Archive a course

  1. From the menu bar, select ‘Admin’ > ‘Django Admin’

  2. Select ‘Courses’ under the ‘Oppia’ section

  3. Browse or search for the course and click on its link to edit it

  4. Tick the ‘is archived’ checkbox

  5. Click save

Delete a course


Deleting a course will remove all its activity logs, learner progress and quiz scores. Most likely archiving a course is more appropriate

  1. From the menu bar, select ‘Admin’ > ‘Django Admin’

  2. Select ‘Courses’ under the ‘Oppia’ section

  3. Browse or search for the course and click on its link to edit it

  4. In the bottom left, click on ‘Delete’

  5. You will be asked to confirm deletion of the course