Course Development and Publishing Permissions

Course development

Since courses for OppiaMobile are developed in Moodle, the permissions for creating courses in Moodle and which users are able to collaborate on and edit courses are determined by Moodle’s permission system (see:

Publishing courses for OppiaMobile

Exporting for testing

Any user in Moodle may export a course to the OppiaMobile .zip format - which can then be copied directly onto the phone for testing.

Course Publishing - Initial

Once a course has been developed and is ready for publishing onto an OppiaMobile server, only those users with permission to upload courses to the OppiaMobile server may publish (see the server permissions page).

Course Publishing - Updating

If a course has already been published and it is then updated and requires re-publishing to the OppiaMobile server, only the user who originally published the app may update it (the original course owner). If necessary, in the OppiaMobile server, you can change the course owner from the Django admin pages.